Miracles of Your Mind

Your Mind is truly a miracle. It is a helmsman who steers its ship to port. How you think has complete control over an individual’s ability to achieve (or fail to achieve) any goal. My hope is that my blog will help steer your mind to a productive, useful goal so you can reach the greatest port in the world – peace of mind.

Where to Begin

When I was in graduate school, many, many moons ago, I began devouring self-help books. I was working towards an MBA with a major in economics. Back then, this was a field women didn’t entertain. Self-doubt continues to plague me. My go to guru is Dr. Wayne Dyer. I am also an avid reader of Deepak Chopra, Joseph Murphy and others.

I got my MBA and was ready to conquer the world. Thank heavens I could type because the only job I could get was a secretary. I did finally land a job in sales with IBM but still had to figure out a way to get rid of my old way of thinking. When will the “Peter Principle” take affect? – The promotion up the hierarchy leading to over promotion and incompetence. I was convinced I was an imposter soon to be revealed.

Power of the Subconscious Mind

Dr. Joseph Murphy in his book “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” describes the subconscious mind like the boiler room in a ship. The steering station above sends the direction to the boiler room that has no windows to see where to go. Our conscious mind is programming our subconscious mind. He asserts that life events are actually the result of the workings of your conscious and subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is the steering station and your subconscious mind is the boiler room. Your words have the power to cleanse your mind of wrong ideas and instill right ideas in their place.

Miracles of your mind

Changing Your Thoughts In Your Conscious Mind

Changing how you think about things is no easy task. Dr. Wayne Dyer has a great metaphor that best illustrates how we tend to let old paradigms hold us back.

To Paraphrase Dr. Dyer:

See your life like a boat heading up the river at forty knots. And you’re standing on the stern looking down in the water and what you see there, in this metaphor, is the wake. And ask yourself these three questions.

  1. First of all what is the wake? The wake is just a trail that is left behind – that is all it is – just a trail that is left behind.
  2. Second question to ask – What is driving the boat? What is making my life go in this direction? Answer – the present moment energy being generated by the engine and nothing more is making this boat go. That is, how I am processing these experiences now and nothing more is what’s making my life go in this direction.
  3. Third and most important question to ask yourself – is it possible for the wake to drive the boat? Can a trail that is left behind make a boat go? Answer – it is an illusion. Everything that is back there is just a trail.. All those limiting beliefs, all that tribal stuff, all that you’ve been told is back there. and if you use it to keep you from being able to get what you want – You’re living the illusion. Get out of the wake. And as you get out of the wake understand that within you, you have the power to always put your attention on what you want.

Hints From Wayne Dyer on How To Change Your Inner Voice Thus Your Mind:

Miracles of your mind
  1. Inspiration empowers you to refrain from judging others or yourself. Behaviors or attitudes that may be frustrating in uninspired moments don’t bother you when you’re feeling inspired.
  2. Live In-Spirit – When you chose to live in spirit, you entrust yourself to something greater than your life as a physical being. When you listen and allow, spirit guides you.
  3. When you don’t listen or let your ego take over and run the show, you’re no longer in tune with Spirit and typically lack inspiration. Ego equals Edging God Out.
  4. Let go of FEAR – Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is a terrible motivator. It might get short term compliance, but it kills creativity, intuition, and joy. Moreover, it keeps us stuck in a scarcity mindset, always grasping for some illusion of control. We don’t have to buy into it. We can choose to break the cycle and live from a place of curiosity, spotting and capturing the pockets of abundance. We can question fear-based narratives and trust our own inner compass. We can take responsibility for our own well-being and cultivate resilience in the face of uncertainty.
  5. Protect your energy field – When you encounter uninspiring media onslaughts, take action: switch off the TV, change the radio station, or set aside the magazine. (Explore Tuun RESONATE to protect you from the electromagnetic fields and its negative effects on your body.)
  6. Take one corrective step – Listen to your inner voice and promise that you’ll take positive action where you need to.
  7. Be a good listener – Conveying to others that you’re willing to listen because you value what they have to say is a way of demonstrating that you care.


The latent power in our subconscious can improve our lives. These steps to nourish our conscious mind are tools and attitudes that will open up the infinite power of your subconscious mind.

We also have many products that will nourish you as well – products that help you sleep better, make you feel joyous and energized, reduces brain fog and so much more. Take some time and browse The Journey Within, A Roadmap to Wellness and Financial Empowerment

Miracles of the Mind

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