Sugar Blues

Sugar Blues is a real thing, but I’ll admit, I was skeptical at first. Let’s rewind a bit. I come from a family of larger individuals, and unfortunately, that trend extended to their health. My parents, grandparents on both sides, and even my uncle passed away at young ages – all before hitting 60. Naturally, I’ve always been conscious of my weight.

But being weight-conscious didn’t stop me from indulging in sugar. My mornings often started with a ritual: four Hershey kisses paired with a graham cracker. Each kiss accounted for 25 calories, while the cracker added 59 more. It’s funny how our taste preferences linger from childhood—I still found comfort in my Hostess Twinkies for dessert.

Sugar Headache Blues

I used to suffer from chronic headaches, but oddly enough, I never linked them to sugar. Despite my penchant for sweets, I maintained a relatively healthy diet otherwise. Additionally, I made sure to include plenty of nutritious foods and stayed active with regular exercise. Overall, I was in good shape and considered myself healthy. However, my headaches persisted, and despite numerous doctor visits and tests, the cause remained elusive.

“Sugar Blues” by William Dufty

Sugar Blues

One of my cherished hobbies is perusing the self-help section at Barnes and Noble. During one of my browsing sessions, I stumbled upon a fascinating book titled “Sugar Blues,” penned by none other than William Dufty, an esteemed American author and journalist. Within its pages, Dufty delves deep into the captivating history of sugar, tracing its journey from a prized rarity in ancient civilizations to an omnipresent staple in today’s Western diet. His insights shed light on how sugar’s evolution has shaped our culinary habits and dietary landscape over the centuries.

Sugar Related Headaches

While delving into the captivating history of sugar was indeed intriguing, what truly captured my attention were the profound health implications discussed within the pages of “Sugar Blues.” Of particular interest to me were the insights into the potential connection between sugar consumption and headaches, a troubling issue I had been grappling with.

Salient Points:

  1. Health Implications: The book extensively discusses the negative health consequences of excessive sugar consumption. Dufty links sugar to various health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, dental decay, and mental health issues. He argues that sugar is a major contributing factor to the rise of these chronic diseases.
  2. Addiction: Dufty explores the addictive nature of sugar and its resemblance to other addictive substances like drugs and alcohol. He explains how sugar affects the brain’s reward system, leading to cravings and dependency.
  3. Nutritional Deprivation: Dufty criticizes the empty calories provided by sugar, emphasizing its lack of nutritional value. He argues that excessive sugar consumption displaces essential nutrients from the diet, contributing to malnutrition and poor health outcomes.
  4. Corporate Influence: The book discusses the role of the sugar industry in promoting and perpetuating the consumption of sugar. Dufty exposes the tactics used by sugar companies to influence government policies, agricultural practices, and public perception.
  5. Cultural Impact: Dufty explores the cultural significance of sugar and its role in shaping social norms, culinary practices, and food marketing. He discusses how sugar has become deeply ingrained in Western culture and examines its implications for societal well-being.
  6. Dietary Recommendations: In response to the negative effects of sugar, Dufty advocates for a reduction in sugar consumption and a return to whole, unprocessed foods. He provides practical advice on how individuals can limit their sugar intake and adopt healthier dietary habits.


Sugar Blues

What did I take away from all this? Well, I learned that our dietary choices are indeed habits, and I proved to myself that habits can be broken. I made the decision to give up sugar for an entire year, and the results were nothing short of transformative. I felt healthier, more energetic, and clearer-headed than ever before. However, I also recognized the importance of occasional “sugar cleanses” to recalibrate my habits. With Easter behind us and the bunny-shaped sweets consumed, I find myself in need of another reset.

I’ve discovered that our all-natural product, Bran, has been instrumental in aiding my reset. If you’re curious to learn more about how Bran can support your health journey, click here.

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